Cryptotypes Of the English Language
The Corpus of Contemporary American English
Список существительных (517 классифицируемых имен) |
Существительное |
Ability |
Abuse |
Account |
Achievement |
Act |
Action |
Activity |
Addition |
Advance |
Advantage |
Advice |
Affair |
Age |
Agreement |
Aid |
Aim |
Alternative |
Ambition |
Amount |
Analysis |
Anger |
Answe |
Answer |
Anxiety |
Appeal |
Appearance |
Approach |
Argument |
Art |
Aspect |
Association |
Attack |
Attempt |
Attention |
Attitude |
Authority |
Availability |
Awareness |
Balance |
Base |
Basis |
Battle |
Behavior |
Belief |
Benefit |
Break |
Budget |
Burden |
Business |
Campaign |
Capability |
Capacity |
Care |
Career |
Case |
Cash |
Cause |
Caution |
Challenge |
Chance |
Change |
Chaos |
Character |
Characters |
Charity |
Choice |
Claim |
Collapse |
Color |
Comfort |
Comment |
Commitment |
Competence |
Competition |
Compromise |
Concern |
Concession |
Condition |
Conduct |
Confidence |
Conflict |
Conscience |
Consciousness |
Consensus |
Contact |
Context |
Contract |
Contradiction |
Contrast |
Contribution |
Control |
Controversy |
Convention |
Conversation |
Cost |
Courage |
Course |
Credit |
Crime |
Crisis |
Criticism |
Culture |
Custom |
Danger |
Darkness |
Data |
Date |
Deal |
Death |
Debate |
Debt |
Decision |
Defeat |
Defense |
Deficit |
Definition |
Degree |
Delay |
Demand |
Democracy |
Department |
Depression |
Description |
Design |
Desire |
Development |
Difference |
Difficulty |
Disadvantage |
Disappointment |
Disaster |
Discount |
Discovery |
Discussion |
Disease |
Disorder |
Dispute |
Distinction |
Distress |
Diversity |
Division |
Divorce |
Donation |
Donations |
Doubt |
Dream |
Duty |
Economics |
Economy |
Education |
Effect |
Effort |
Election |
Element |
Emergency |
Emotion |
End |
Energy |
Entertainment |
Enthusiasm |
Environment |
Environment. |
Error |
Even |
Event |
Evidence |
Evil |
Example |
Exception |
Exchange |
Excitement |
Excuse |
Experience |
Export |
Facility |
Fact |
Factor |
Failure |
Faith |
Fame |
Fantasy |
Fashion |
Fate |
Fault |
Favor |
Fear |
Feature |
Fee |
Feedback |
Feeling |
Fight |
Figure |
Finance |
Flight |
Focus |
Force |
Fraud |
Freedom |
Fun |
Function |
Gain |
Game |
Glory |
Goal |
Government |
Government |
Grace |
Grade |
Grief |
Growth |
Guess |
Guilt |
Habit |
Happiness |
Harm |
Harmony |
Hatred |
Hazard |
Health |
Heaven |
Hell |
Help |
Hint |
History |
Holiday |
Honor |
Hope |
Horror |
Humor |
Idea |
Identity |
Image |
Impact |
Import |
Impression |
Incident |
Incident |
Income |
Income |
Increase |
Industry |
Inflation |
Influence |
Information |
Initiative |
Injury |
Instance |
Instinct |
Insurance |
Interest |
Investigation |
Investment |
Invitation |
Involvement |
Irony |
Issue |
Job |
Joke |
Joy |
Justice |
Knowledge |
Labor |
Labour |
Lack |
Language |
Law |
Leadership |
Leisure |
Level |
Lie |
Life |
Light |
Limit |
Loss |
Love |
Luck |
Magic |
Mail |
Management |
Manner |
Market |
Marriage |
Matter |
Means |
Measure |
Media |
Meeting |
Memory |
Method |
Mind |
Minority |
Miracle |
Misery |
Mission |
Mistake |
Money |
Motive |
Movement |
Murder |
Music |
Mystery |
Nation |
Nature |
Necessity |
Need |
Negotiation |
News |
Nonsense |
Norm |
Notion |
Number |
Occasion |
Offence |
Offense |
Offer |
Operation |
Opinion |
Opportunity |
Opposition |
Option |
Order |
Organization |
Pain |
Party |
Passion |
Payment |
Peace |
Performance |
Pity |
Plan |
Pleasure |
Point |
Policy |
Politics |
Poll |
Popularity |
Position |
Possibility |
Poverty |
Power |
Practice |
Presence |
Pressure |
Price |
Pride |
Principle |
Probability |
Problem |
Process |
Production |
Profit |
Program |
Progress |
Project |
Promise |
Proof |
Property |
Proposal |
Prospect |
Protection |
Purpose |
Purpose |
Quality |
Quantity |
Question |
Rate |
Reaction |
Reality |
Reason |
Reception |
Recession |
Reform |
Relation |
Relationship |
Relief |
Religion |
Reply |
Reputation |
Request |
Requirement |
Research |
Resistance |
Resource |
Respect |
Response |
Responsibility |
Rest |
Result |
Right |
Risk |
Ritual |
Role |
Routine |
Rule |
Safety |
Sale |
Science |
Scope |
Secret |
Security |
Sense |
Service |
Settlement |
Sex |
Shame |
Shift |
Shock |
Sight |
Sin |
Situation |
Skill |
Smile |
Society |
Solution |
Song |
Soul |
Sound |
Source |
Space |
Speech |
Speed |
Spell |
Spirit |
Spite |
Sport |
Standard |
State |
Statement |
Status |
Story |
Strain |
Strategy |
Strength |
Stress |
Strike |
Structure |
Struggle |
Style |
Success |
Suicide |
Summit |
Supply |
Support |
Surprise |
Suspicion |
Sympathy |
System |
Tactic |
Talent |
Talk |
Target |
Task |
Taste |
Tax |
Technique |
Technology |
Television |
Temper |
Temptation |
Tendency |
Tension |
Terror |
Test |
Theme |
Theory |
Thesis |
Thought |
Threat |
Time |
Tip |
Trade |
Tradition |
Treatment |
Trend |
Trial |
Trick |
Triumph |
Trouble |
Trust |
Truth |
Union |
Universe |
Use |
Value |
Variety |
Victory |
View |
Violence |
Virtue |
Vision |
Voice |
Volume |
Vote |
War |
Waste |
Way |
Wealth |
Weather |
Weight |
Wind |
Wisdom |
Wish |
Wonder |
Word |
Work |
World |
education |
effort |
feature |
flight |
freedom |
hatred |
health |
knowledge |
skill |
trust |
Аpproach |