Of the
The Corpus of Contemporary American English
Res Acutae Res Continens Res Filiformes Res Liquidae Res Longae Penetrantes Res Parvae Res Planae Res Rotundae
Acute Keen Pierce Pin Poignant Prick Puncture Pungent Sharp Sting
Act Activity Analysis Anger Attack Attempt Attention Awareness Basis Benefit Care Case Challenge Chance Change Collapse Color Competition Concern Condition Confidence Conflict Consciousness Controversy Convention Crisis Criticism Danger Debt Deficit Demand Depression Desire Difference Difficulty Disappointment Disaster Disease Disorder Division Effect Effort Emergency Enthusiasm Event Example Experience Facility Factor Failure Fashion Fear Feeling Focus Force Goal Grief Guess Guilt Hazard History Impact Incident Increase Injury Instance Interest Involvement Issue Knowledge Lack Language Limit Loss Management Manner Matter Memory Mind Misery Nature Need Opposition Pain Passion Pleasure Point Position Poverty Power Practice Pressure Pride Problem Process Question Reaction Reason Recession Relationship Research Response Risk Sense Service Shame Shift Shock Sight Situation Skill Sound Source State Status Strain Stress Struggle Suicide Supply Surprise System Talent Taste Temptation Tendency Tension Test Threat Treatment Trend Trouble Trust Use Variety Violence Vision Voice Way Word Work
Контексты (1 словоупотр.)
almost inevitably tend to rally around their president during times of international crisis or following acute acts of violence against America or its interests (Mueller 1973; Brody 1991;